Hope Academy Families:
Hope Academy will shift to virtual instruction beginning November 5, 2020, due to a confirmed case of COVID-19 among the school staff. Teachers will notify their students of virtual assignments for these days. During this time, the school wing will be deep cleaned and sanitized. Hope Academy students will come back on campus on Monday, November 30.
All students who are recognized as being potentially exposed will be contacted by the Arkansas Department of Health. Please answer all phone calls from unknown numbers in the next couple of days. If you are contacted about your child’s exposure, please quarantine for 14 days even if the COVID test comes back negative. Testing should be done at 5 days following exposure. If that date falls on the weekend, test sooner rather than later. For all close contacts, testing should be done tomorrow.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Jake Gibbs, Principal at jgibbs@hopeacademynwa.org, or Jenna Evans, School Nurse at jevans@hopeacademynwa.org.
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